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打造貓咪幸福晚年生活|Essential Senior Cat Care Information

作家相片: Rawgical ThinkerRawgical Thinker



『為什麼他突然就 OOO?!』,我們偶爾會遇到這樣的開場白,而每隻老貓的結局與所剩的時間,取決於牠是否即時得到治療。有時來得太晚,只剩下安寧照護的選擇;有時來得及時,但仍要付出龐大的醫療支出。





  1. 量體重、量體重、量體重,一週一次最標準;注意貓咪體重很重要,所以要講三次!許多病症的初期症狀就是消瘦,過胖也可能引發許多問題。

  2. 給予好消化、好吸收的高品質蛋白質與天然飲食,可以減緩肌肉消耗的速度

  3. 每天注意食慾,是否有大吃或越吃越少的狀況,魔鬼藏在細節裡。

  4. 注意精神,老貓活動力可能大幅降低,較難判斷是否生病,這就是為什麼需要常常秤重。還可能會有認知障礙,出現在家迷路或在角落嚎叫的狀況;另外,如果常常有像小貓一樣亢奮、或突然出現攻擊性的狀況,可驗血確認是否有甲狀腺機能亢進的問題。

  5. 注意補充水份,給予濕食是最好的補水方式,而飲水量突然暴增就要注意。老貓需定期追蹤腎臟狀況,血檢和超音波都要,尤其是以乾糧為主食的貓咪。

  6. 紀錄嘔吐頻率、時間與內容物,老貓若有晨吐胃液的狀況,有可能是餓太久導致,需調整餵食頻率;但若超過三天都有吐就是異常。

  7. 觀察走路姿態是否有跛行、或觸碰特定部位會嚎叫、生氣,拍X光確認是否有關節骨骼的問題。

  8. 設立老貓友善的居家環境,使用碗架、增設樓梯或使用門檻較低的砂盆。

  9. 注意指甲與毛皮狀況,關節疼痛常讓老貓不愛使用抓板也不愛理毛,指甲角質層容易堆積增厚、被毛變得沒有光澤與雜亂;可在家中增設平面或坡道型抓板,並更常檢查、修剪指甲、多幫貓咪梳毛排除廢毛。

  10. 老貓健檢項目除了完整的血檢以外,超音波與X光等影像的檢查更是重要。每半年做一次血液及相關影像的健康檢查,若有異常就應定期追蹤及依照醫師指示用藥,勿輕信坊間偏方。

x-ray of a cat's forelimbs




Essential Senior Cat Care Information

Cats over the age of 12 are categorised as a senior cat.

"Why has my cat become like this?" is a question we often hear in a session, or even at the reception desk where a poorly conditioned cat is presented to us. Many might believe it was a sudden change, but diseases and their symptoms develop over a period of time. The time your elderly cat has left depends on their condition when brought in. Unfortunately it is sometimes too late for treatment to have any effect. That's when palliative care comes in. 

Humans are busy creatures, and gave all sorts of goals and pressures during different stages of their life. Exams, internships, job interviews, arguments between partners or family, getting married, buying a house, raising a child. And our cats are always there watching us, and growing old slowly at the same time. Before you know it, they might have breached the age of 18. 

Tending to senior cats is almost like looking after a kitten: extra attention is crucial. Yet, if you are well prepared, and are providing the recommended care, you might just save a fortune and get a happy and healthy old cat that can stay on your lap for years to come. 

Here are the 10 things we think might help:

  1. Weighing your cat at a weekly basis is the most life-changing thing you can do at your own home for your cats. Many diseases start small, and your cat's weight is the front line for this battle.

  2. Provide easily digestible high quality protein and fat; food that's closest to its natural form should be your top pick. Good sources of food can decelerate the depletion of muscles. 

  3. Watch out for leftover food! Picky eating and a bad appetite are not the same. 

  4. As senior cats can have a lower activity level, it can be harder to tell if they are not feeling well. This is the reason why they need regular weighing. They might also develop dementia, and got lost in a room and making long calls at midnight. If they have been docile for the past 15 years and suddenly display aggressive behavior or kitten like activeness, you can ask your veterinarian test your cat for hyperthyroidism. 

  5. Monitor your cat's water intake. Any dramatic change of quantity can be a sign of possible diseases. The kidney must be checked regularly with blood tests and sonar imaging for older cats, especially if eating a dry food diet. 

  6. Beware of vomit problems. Any vomiting that does not show hairballs and happens more than three times per week and/or three days in a roll should be taken seriously. Many older cats tends to vomit water in early morning, and it means that your feeding routine needs to be adjusted. Provide less food per meal, and increase the number of meals per day. You can also just add one light meal before you go to bed.

  7. Observe walking posture, looking for lameness or a limp. You can also pat them at different areas, being wary for their reaction. If they show impatience or even aggressive behaviour, it is possible that there is a joint problem.  

  8. Creating an accessible home for your cat is essential. An elevated food bowl can release pressure on a cat's neck. Some stairs or steps to ensure easy access to their litter tray and comfy spots is also a good addition.

  9. Joint degeneration often causes mild to extreme pain for senior cats. Some may become less attentive to grooming and scratching, which can lead to a dull coat and thickened nails that can easily grow into their paws without more frequent nail clipping. 

  10. Regular health checks are crucial for senior cats, from imagery exams such as X-rays and sonographic exams to full blood exams. Health exams should be done once every six months. If there are any remarkable results, you should follow your veterinarian's orders. Do not fall for false advertisement of unapproved drugs, healthcare products or even folk remedies. 

Many senior cats that came in a really bad shape are quiet cats, or very aggressive cats. Due to their own personalities, are often brought in too late, because they were found lying on the floor.

If you are caring for an aggressive cat, you need to establish routined, positive interactions with them, so you can monitor their health conditions. As an owner, it's your responsively to ensure their living quality and health. It's never too late to start, and you should start the practices listed above now. 

For other cats owners, start your daily snuggle now, share your stories today, and check those little paws and weigh them now - 20 year old cats are no legends.


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