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作家相片Rawgical Thinker

貓咪無障礙空間設計|Accessible Home Design for Elderly Cats



light yellowish liquid pouring into a glass of ice







a pile of magazine and a shoe box


a magazine inside a shoe box


measuring the magazine


trimming a magazine



a magazine fits inside a shoe box



more magazine fits inside a shoe box


some cut boxes filling a gap


a three frame photo of a cat playing with a roll of tape


sheets of cut boxes taped down


weighing a shoe box, 4.4 kilo


a shoe box next to a cat's litter box entrance

家中其他更高的地方,我是使用 I 家的兒童踮腳凳。



你也不用怕自己付出的心血或金錢會白費,動物的天性就是要把力氣省下來求生存,所以貓是真的懶,而且懶得理直氣壯。I 家樓梯買了後,從來沒有教過他們使用,但不只老貓愛用,能躺著就不坐著的年輕貓都愛走樓梯。


Accessible Home Design for Elderly Cats

"My cat has recently been doing his/her business on the couch or right next to the litter box," is a common concern of many owners who come in to request a behavioural consultation. However, if the cat in question is elderly, we usually ask if the cat has had any recent x-ray exam.

When you are suffering from arthritis, and your owner chooses a top-entry litter box for you, you would probably seek an alternative, easier to reach location to do your business... Sudden changes of behaviour usually indicate possible illness, either mental or physical, and in the case of an elderly cat, usually it's the latter.

It's time to renovate your home to an accessible environment for your elderly cat, but what can you do? Pet stairs does not come cheap. 

If you have one cat who gets all the attention that's another story, but if you have too many cats and everything has to be "rationed"? Every penny counts and it already costs a fortune to feed all of them.

Scratching ramps are a great alternative to pet stairs, and many cats do enjoy a scratch after unloading. The problem is, litter are often caught in the crease and grooves. It is painful to look at and a challenge to clean.

The litter box in our home is located in an enclosed balcony, a tight place where I often bump my toe into the hardwood scratching ramp, so I have been seeking alternatives.

One night I was clearing out some cardboard boxes and when I found a sturdy shoe box with a matte finish, I knew right away I had to give it a go as a pet ramp. I started to gather up some old magazines to fill the box, so that when the cats step on it, the box will not be crushed. The box lines up perfectly with our litter box.

For our couch or other higher places my elderly cat likes to visit, I use Ikea's Children's Step Stool. It's barely half the price of regular pet stairs, easy to assemble, and both you and your cats can use it safely. It is designed to serve multiple functions, an easy-clean surface, and attractive in your living room. 

Whether a high end purchase or a D.I.Y. creation, you don't have to worry that your money and effort will go to waste, because cats are naturally lazy. It's nature's instinct for animals to conserve energy for a better survival chance in the wild, so if there’s a stair to climb that tree, they'd use it.

My older cat loves all the stepping installations in our home, and my younger cats uses them too! I think their life motto would be something like: "Don't stand when you can sit; don't sit when you can lie down."

We hope this helped you learn about creating an accessible environment for elderly cats. They do need some extra work, but in the end, you are creating more memorable memories with your life's companion.




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